Its been four months since my last post ! and not a lot things have happened and a lot of things have changed. Confused? Well its official Ireland is well in the dumpster at the moment – well what do you expect with a Fianna Fail government and their “whats in it for me and my mates”; But a least we got rid of them and their poodles the green party in the recent election. Fortunately at the moment I am still working – although like many I don’t know how long for.

Maeve is blooming. She had her 3rd birthday in January and because of her love of star-wars her English, Maeve’s English is excellent if a bit eclectic. A three year old using the phrase “Yes my dear” is a bit disconcerting. Maeve is also quite tall for her age and is into 4-5 year old clothes which is quite something for someone who has just turned three.

I took Maeve swimming yesterday in the National Aquatic Pool in Blanchardtown and we have a fantastic time. It was the first time Maeve used water wings and the first time she “swam solo”. Her face was a picture of such excitement, joy and pride and she swam towards me again and again to her squeals of delight. Her smile said everything.