Crikey!!! Has it been a whole month since I made a post and so much has happened. North Korea has maybe detonated a very small nuclear weapon and we are faced with a US President again with egg on his face since it proved that the Iraq war was all about OIL and little to do with weapons of mass destruction.

Any way by a round about way it brings me to the subject of this blog – the Law. Laws exist to enable a society to exist in a just and harmoneous manner where the transgressors are punished. Laws range from the minor kind – litter dropping – through to the most serious kind: murder. If you want to be part of the society you must abide by its laws or try to get them changed through democratic means.

So why do so many Irish men and women wantonly day in and day out deliberatly break the law because it does not suit them? according to the Oireachtas Committee on Enterprise and Small Business via the Allianz insurance firm who said a total of 100,000 drivers were using the roads illegally by not having insurance!!! That is more than 2% of the population of Ireland or 6% of people driving. That is totally unbelievable. How can they get away with this. Not only is this a kick in the teeth to those of us who pay insurance, but what other crimes are they guilty of? Drink Driving, Paedophilia, Tax Evasion and maybe Murder? I remember some time back reading a book about the mayor of New York who said cracking down on petty crime reduced major crime – small time criminals evolve into major criminals.

The government needs to crack down on petty crime. Drivers who don’t have insurance or motor tax; or deliberately drive the wrong way down a one-way street. Should not only be fined, they should loose their license for a year or two and have their car put through the crusher with them forced to watch.

Schools should teach what it means to be a citizen, ethics and morals – and it should do this from primary schools. Parents must not as they seem to have of late, abdicate responsibility of installing in their children the difference between good and evil and respect for their fellow citizens. If a childs parents do not care for the society and its laws how will a child know? Mom and DAD you must lead by example; if you don’t then don’t whinge when your kids give you the finger and the state takes your liberty.