Archive for July, 2008

Maeve has been rather cranky these last couple of days, and the “great” event has finally happened – her first tooth has arrived.

Must look up the phone number of the toothfairy….

Probably a totally pointless blog; But who cares – its my blog and there are probably no readers apart from bots anyway. Whilst mowing the lawn – why does not grass learn to grow to just the right hight and then stop growing – when I almost ran over a frog. The genuine browney green coloured frog around 3 inches long. I don’t who was more surprised, them or me. Especially since the only water around us is salt water. Managed to get X and Maeve out into the garden for a good oogling of the frog before it hopped on its way into the undergrowth.

I have not seen frog since I was a kid when we use to search the ponds around our village in England for tadpoles to collect.

Maeve is six months old today – and what a six months they have been. They have been in short wonderful, and we have a lovely beautiful daughter who we really love and enjoy. When she smiles at me when I walk into her room at 06:30am for her morning feed and nappy change (alternated with my wife) she gives me a fantastic big smile to show she loves me; and all is well with the world as far as I am concerned.

Have I changed – no doubt and for the better, and I love spending more time than I did at home with my wife and daughter. I also have a great client called Amartus who permit me to work from home one day a week, not only does this cut 2-3 hours a day in commuting but I do tend to get more work done because there are fewer interruptions. The longer lunch break where I can spend with my daughter are also good for bonding and family in general.

Well here is the photo we just took of Maeve aged 5 months for her passport (we are going to Germany in September).

Maeve at 5 months

The funny thing about Maeve, even though she is six months old she is as tall and weighs as much as a one year old (10KG).