Archive for September, 2008

You know the Gods are out to get you when …

  1. On the way to work the train in front of you breaks down and you are stuck for an hour (yesterday morning).
  2. On the way home another train breaks down and you are stuck for 30 minutes (Conolly yesterday evening).
  3. The toilet seat breaks when you are sitting on it- this evening.
  4. You work late to fix a critical bug because we mis-understood the requirements (all day today).
  5. Your daughter’s bed falls apart because the screws have for some inexplicable reason come undone (today).

As you can see, the God’s of fate and having some fun.

What a difference a week makes… When I was working at home on September 11th Maeve (the “babe” and apple of her parents eyes) was starting to try to crawl, but with some success; She could crawl – well drag would be more accurate – herself sidewards and backwards to some degree, but had not mastered (despite trying) the knack of getting up onto her knees. Another “big problem” was when she laid on her back she found it hard, but not impossible, to roll over onto her front.

Yesterday (September 18th) I was surprised (and shocked) to place her on her back and have her flip over onto front, hunker up onto her knees and for her to shoot off crawling – and almost over the edge of the bed; hence the shock. Wow her rate of learning never ceases to amaze me.

A couple of days  ago heard that one of our neighbours called “Tom and Sarah” are expecting their first baby next march – congratulations and your life will never be the same.

Today would have been my parent’s 45th wedding Anniversary had not my father unfortunately (and much missed) passed away last year. We spent the day with mom – who really loved Maeves company, and went out for a lovely meal in Navan.

Naturally mom missed dad, we all do. But they had a good marriage and their love comforted  them in times of trouble. I hope that i will live long enough to see my 50th Wedding Anniversary in 2055 – I’ll be 90 then.

The one story that stands out about my parents wedding in 1962 is the one that when Dad told his mom that he was getting married on September the 14th, he found out at the age of 26 that it was his mothers birthday!!! before that is was a mystery.

Families are perculiar things.

Picture says it all

Maeve at Amartus

Normally on Thursday’s I work from home – I have really great clients called Amartus – which I really appreciate in allowing me to do this – thanks Guy’s; Today however I needed to be in work because we have a deadline due and close personal interaction is at a premium. My wife is in the UK today for reasons I won’t go into here – so I had to bring my Daughter into work; Amartus did not mind and made it easy – thanks again Guys.

Anyway the picture above is a web-cam shot from my laptop of my daughter snuggled up to me asleep whilst I code away.