Over the last few weeks a more discernable trend in Maeve’s musical tastes an behaviour has become apparent. I am a “folkie” – nothing to be ashamed of, but someone who likes traditional music of most nations but with a particular emphasis on my on Celtic race of Ireland/Scotland and England. One of my favourite groups is “Fairport Convention” and I recently bought a new album which had a track called “Si Tu Dois Partir” and it really excites Maeve. Its a catchy tune, even though my French is rusty I like it and for Maeve its gets her bouncing up and down in the car seat and swaying from side to side in harmony with her hands in the air and legs bouncing up and down with joy. It makes your heart warm just watching her with a big smile on her face enjoying the simple things in life.

For a while now Maeve has been trying to clap, but without success; Either her hands don’t make contact or not in a way that causes a sound to be generated. Today that changed and with “Si Tu Dois Partir” Maeve (to her own joy) started to clap in time to the tune…

Life’s simple pleasures are by far the best.