On wednesday, you know the black day when I lost and then recovered my laptop I heard about a ship in harbour that was a sailing book-shop of 6000+ books. Well being a bibliophile I took my daughter (her mom having gone to a hair-dressing appointment) to visit the ship in Dublin harbour. I could not remember the ships name but it was not hard to find and it is called “Logos Hope”. To my surprise its is a christian evangelical ship crewed by Chrisitians following God’s will and doing great work amongst the poor and suffering of the world; and its a pleasure having them here in Ireland. After recent revelations about the non-christian behaviour of the Catholic Church over the last 60 years in Irelands reform schools we need some “positive” christianity.

Yes there is a large selection of books (mostly christian related) on the ship – something like a visit to Veritas and Maeve and I spent a nice couple of hours in the bookship and cafe. Well worth a visit and donating too.