Archive for May, 2009

It was a family weekend with my father-in-law staying and my mother and sister (and nephew) visiting; so naturally there is loads of washing up and cleaning to do – not to mention the usual obstacle course of strewn toys Maeve generates on a daily basis. I arrived home at 18:00 and started the cleaning. The “Red-head” and Maeve dropped into the library to return some books. The surprise was when the returned and Maeve so excited with her first Libary card!!!! 16 months old and has a library card!!! – way to go Maeve (and well done mom)

Maeve is 16 months old and she has turned into a bright cheerful little girl with a “real” personality – happy, independent, inquisitive and does not complain much. We have been blessed. Maeves current favourite past time is climbing: climbing on the blanket box and uses one little climb to progress onto other places – for example using one of her toys as a steeping stone to get onto the blanket box, the blanket box links to the window sill and so on and so forth. Had a couple of heartattacks when I have been in the room and not concentrating on what she is doing only to realizeĀ  she is jumping up and down on the window sill – one false move and there could be injuries.

She still melts the hearts of everyone she meets – I hope she retains that trait.

I am looking at the most beautiful red full moon I have ever seen rising over Dublin bay. Lots photos – but nothing to compare to seeing it. Absolutely gob smacking.

Maeve has two more word/phrases in vocab – “Thank you” (rather than “Ta”) and “Toast”. First heard this morning.