Archive for June 28th, 2009

Heard recently about people who try to get the best MPG out of their cars thus saving money. Apart from being a bunch of misers there is a lot of self discipline in controlling speed etc to get the best out of your car (best oil/parts/tyres etc required) being anal retentive would be high up on my list of assumed requirements for this “sport”.

Anyway, Me, the Wife and baby Maeve were going into town for a shopping trip we decided that the best way to do was through Dublins port tunnel – a 4.5 KM tunnel which goes from the M1 near the airport to the docks near the city centre; Its usually very expensive but at weekends its only 3 euro and there being a GAA match on the alternative route would have been a nightmare. We hit the tunnel south-bound entrance at the perscribed 80KM/H and put the car in neutral and left the rest to Gravity and momentum. With the slight decline we managed 4KM before the speed dipped below 50KM/H.

All rather inane and simple fun…

I noticed yesterday and today how tall Maeve is growing … I am not too sure exactly how tall Maeve is, but she can now open doors (just), peek over the bed matress, and peek over the fire-guard. What really brought it home was changing Maeves nappy this morning.

The first nappy change of the day is usually undertaken on the changing board that sits on the top of the cot Maeve sleeps in. When we first got the cot 17 months ago Maeve was barely bigger than my hand and was barely an “island” in the “ocean” that was the changing board. Now Maeve fills the board and her legs pops over the end of the board.