Fortunately Maeve has recovered from her virus and is back in the creche. Every day I notice new things about Maeve – like for example she can feed herself with spoon and fork. Her baby babble has increased a lot both in its range and its diversity; Maeve also tries to copy what you say. Maeve can also hold a pen in the right way for writing – as in how an adult would hold it and not like a crayon in her fist. Fine motor controls there daughter.

Maeve gave me her first “proper” kiss today – any by proper she pursed/puckered up her lips before kissing me good morning. Bernie explained that the creche had told her that Maeve was a part of a group of three girls (all who moved up to a bigger class together) were seen by the creche staff hugging each other and kissing – all very innocent and sweet for the smutty minded amongst you.

Today we spent visiting grandma, my sister and the Aoife the new born baby.

Its a baby!!