Maeve has shown some new skill’s and traits in the last couple of days she did not have before. Firstly she has started to sing – unfortunately it is the song “I love you, you love me, were one big family” .. by that purple horror Barney the Dinosaur; But she can sing. Also Maeve understand how keys work and that if you turn them clock-wise the door is locked and if you turn it anti-clockwise you unlock the door. This means of course we have to hide all the keys where Maeve cannot get them. I have this nasty mental picture of locking us out of a room and not allowing us in.

Finally on another linguistic/world-model level Maeve started yesterday to use the words “my” and “me” for the first time – and in the right context; For example: when grabbing a toy panda back from me she said “my panda”, and when shown some photo’s of herself and asked “who is that” she said “me”.

Finally Maeve’s bright ginger hair has started growing and thickening. No longer does Maeve look like her bald father.