<meta name="GENERATOR" content="OpenOffice.org 2.0-pre (Linux)" /><meta name="AUTHOR" content="Gary Leeson" /><meta name="CREATED" content="20060606;22295300" /><meta name="CHANGEDBY" content="Gary Leeson" /><meta name="CHANGED" content="20060606;23020700" /><br /> <style> <!-- @page { size: 21cm 29.7cm; margin: 2cm } P { margin-bottom: 0.21cm } --> </style> <p>For the non-Irish amongst you, the first Monday in June is a public holiday. Since my wife was studying for her German exams and also undertaking the Dublin mini-marathon for the good cause of St Francis Hospice; I decided – with my wife’s permission – to take a long weekend abroad. And what a fab break it was. The weather was absolutely scorching hot every day; Blue skies, birds singing what more could there be – lots. I am a history buff, so for me the weekend was one long history binge.</p> <p>First there was the fantastic <a href="http://www.theheritagetrail.co.uk/early ages/maiden castle.htm">Maiden Castle</a> just outside Dorchester. This is a large Iron-Age Hill Fort, the best in England if the literature is to be believed; and I can readily believe that. Its around a mile on the top, with three massive supporting ditches. The <a href="../../../../../camera/uk/UK_June_2006/maiden_castle/index.html">pictures</a> will give you a flavour of the “millennium projectâ€? of its day.</p> <p>The next stop on the tour was the <a href="http://www.tankmuseum.co.uk/home.html">Bovington Tank Museum</a>. A place I have always wanted to visit, but for some reason hadn’t. This Museum has tanks from the First World War through to the modern day including an odd tank with 5 turrets (yes 5), Russian T-34 and KV-1, German Tiger-1, King-Tiger and Panther, Centurion, Challenger, T-55, T72, Sherman, S-Tank. Needless to say as a propeller head I had a fantastic afternoon here; saw so many things I have only seen on TV, books and various movies; totally awesome.</p> <p>Another enjoyable day was spent at <a href="http://www.theheritagetrail.co.uk/castles/portchester castle.htm">Porchester Roman Shore fort </a>which was built in 280AD and whose walls remain pretty much today as they were then since the Saxons and Normans kept them intact. I was surprised to find on my arrival that by fortunates smile I had arrived in the middle of a “Roman Weekendâ€? with the re-enactors from Britannia, Ermine Street Guard, a Roman Racing chariot and a display; Even Phil Harding from Channel-4’s Time-Team was wandering around. Next year they are promising Gladiatorial combat and chariot racing!!!</p> <p>The Roman Palace Villa complex at <a href="http://www.sussexpast.co.uk/property/site.php?site_id=11">Fishbourne</a> was built probably for a local British tribal leader by the Romans in the early years of their conquest around 80AD. The site was discovered by a local farmer digging new drains; and to be honest not a lot remains bar some very nice mosaics.</p> <p>Once night/early morning was spent in the picturesque village Wootton Rivers in a 16<sup>th</sup> century pub which serves excellent foods and dammed good beer. Virtually every house in the village is thatched, there is a lovely peaceful Norman church, and the village nestles by the side of a canal. There is hardly a man-made sound to be heard above the noise of so many species of bird song. It is the first time I have heard a cuckoo in many a year. The village is an ideal base of operations for trips to Wiltshire and Dorset and the pub “The Old Oakâ€? is highly recommended.</p> <p><a href="http://www.nationaltrust.org.uk/main/w-vh/w-visits/w-findaplace/w-avebury/">Avebury </a>is a favourite haunt of mine in England. Averbury is a village within a massive stone circle and ditch complex; in many ways far superior to the nearby Stonehenge which attracts many more visitors. Needless to say nothing is better than spending a few hours with a good friend (in this case Debbie), a good pint (Old Speckled Hen) and discussing life the universe and everything on a glorious summers day – cheers and <a href="../../../../../camera/uk/UK_June_2006/index.html">enjoy the photos</a>!!</p> <p style="margin-bottom: 0cm"><!--594e360d74ca9becfcecfdd3d3f56af4--> </p> <p><!--2992d098476310135c4dda24bf0f8c51--></p> <div class="post-info"> </div> <!-- <rdf:RDF xmlns:rdf="http://www.w3.org/1999/02/22-rdf-syntax-ns#" xmlns:dc="http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/" xmlns:trackback="http://madskills.com/public/xml/rss/module/trackback/"> <rdf:Description rdf:about="http://www.garyleeson.com/index.php/2006/06/06/june-bank-holiday/" dc:identifier="http://www.garyleeson.com/index.php/2006/06/06/june-bank-holiday/" dc:title="June Bank Holiday" trackback:ping="http://www.garyleeson.com/index.php/2006/06/06/june-bank-holiday/trackback/" /> </rdf:RDF> --> <div class="post-footer"> </div> 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