Well X and I would like to send a whole “Happy New Year” to all you net folks…I hope that the next year will be better than my last – I still find it hard to come to terms with the death of my beloved father last march. But there is not too much anyone can do about death is there…

Anyway onto a more positive note we are into the last week before our Baby is due. X, poor lass, is suffering from tiredness and back-ache (not surprising), and when the baby moves you can really feel it when you lay your hand on the bump. I think that the baby is taking after her mother in that she does not seem to be like me in as much as I am a “morning” person. The baby only seems to wake up in the late evening – pretty much like its mom.

Were so excited – although this is tempered by some anxiety in hoping that the baby will be “normal” and healthy. I will post more when the event happens.