Archive for May 28th, 2008

As is my wan’t (to quote the great Billy Conolly) I am fond of reading the news and keeping up on what is happening in the world. I usually read the Irish Independent, English Times, English Daily Mail, New York Times and the Sydney morning Herald; But by far my favourite news site is the BBC News website. I was reading this article on turning Busses into mobile sensor traffic platforms for traffic monitoring when I had this thought …. “How long will it be before someone in the police/home-security/MI-5 suggest turning busses into mobile CCTV and other sensor platforms”. Britain is one of the most CCTV ridden places on earth… no doubt adding forward, rear and side camera’s would help no end in public – no I mean criminal and subversive element – monitoring.

Big brother is here to stay unfortunately – and we have only ourselves to blame.

Took these two photos when Maeve was three months old – I can see that she is a “natural” software developer…
Looking intently at a bug on screen, trying to figure out why things are going wrong…

Some bugs are harder than others

And then all those late nights coding catch up with you….

After a hard nights coding

I really enjoy being a Dad.