Went food shopping in the local supermarket in Donabate and I took along my 16 month old daughter Maeve. When we arrived at the carpark I took Maeve out of her baby saftey seat grabbed the shopping bag (a heavy canvas looking plastic bag); At this point Maeve grabbed the bag wanting to carry it – dispite the fact the bag is almost as tall as she is. So there we were walking around the supermarket – me a step in front, Maeve trailing a couple of steps behing dragging tge shopping bag garning “isn’t she cute” comments from people as we went around.

When we got to the tills at the end, unprompted she handed my the bag and then put out her arms which her way of saying “pick me up”. I picked her up and placed her sitting on the area when the good collect after they have been scanned along with the plastic bag. You can imaging my surprise to see Maeve get up and drop (rather than put) the various food items in the bag; Good girl, and she is obviously a quick learner.
The funny thing was once I paid and put the bag and the baby on the ground Maeve would not allow me to pick up the bag (which was quite heavy); Instead, trying to drag it alongĀ  herself. I was amazed that she managed to drag the heavy bag some 6 feet before finally allowing me to carry it for her.

Good girl likes helping daddy.